Thursday, May 16, 2013

Journey with Mathematics Continue... (be competent)

My journey with Mathematics continue when I was in High School.

.I said to myself that this is a new WORLD, I am now out of my first "shell", I am going to meet new people, new friends, new classmates, new teachers and new school community. In High School, there are many kinds and types of people than i can personally classify. There are students that can be called Rockstars, Emo, Spice Girls (students who always look into their mirrors), geeks, Subject WIZARDS and many more. Being new to this community, my fear of being a loner came back to me. As time passed by, I started to meet new friends, new enemies, new competitors and many more. All i can say is, its really different in High School. The competition also of being the number one in the class is so high. I couldn't imaging myself being there on TOP but I want to try and prove to myself that i can do it. At first, i failed, I did not even get any honors on the first part of the school year. I said to myself that i have to find a way for me to be known and to excel in the class. As i remember, I was one of the best in Math in my gradeschool years but the problem is Mathematics in high school is really different from before. One day i met a friend who is really i can call a Math wizard.
This guy really helped me in molding myself and adjusting in Highschool life. We became best of friends. One thing that we always want to do is to compare grades in all of the subject. For me, this is just a simple game that we tend to do, but without noticing it, it actually helped me to become more competent when it comes to studies. I did not thought that with just simple comparison of grades and score we are doing as best friends, it enhances my skills and knowledge on other subjects and i even was acknowledge as one of the best students in Mathematics and Science. This was the start of me being competent on all the things that I do, and i can say that being competent really is a way to enhance your skills and learning. With proper discipline and being able to accept failures and success, I managed to cope with the high school life. And again, Mathematics is the reason why i got my friends and best friends.. Lots of people admire my skills in mathematics. Me and my best friend were even asked to be the representative of our class on one of the MATH QUIZ BEE activity on our school.. All i can say is that these experiences i had really molded me in what i am right now.. Although there are things that i regret when i was in high school, all i can say is HIGH SCHOOL is the best, and this is the time that I said to myself that I am going to pursue MATH related course in college. Aim High and always remember that being competent on the things that you do will really help you enhance your skills.
On the Next blog, i am going to share those regrets i had when i was in High School.
Thank You!
~Mathematics is not hard, Math is CHALLENGING" 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Why Math?

Many people think that Mathematics is a HARD and DIFFICULT subject. Uhhmm well for me, MATH helps me build and establish myself for who I am. At early age,and as a LONER back then, I am wondering why my classmates are always gathering in one corner of the classroom chatting, laughing and being amazed by one person sitting in front of them. One time, I tried to join them and I've noticed that they are listening very well to my classmates talk. I suddenly ask them, "what are you doing?". My other classmates stared at me like they want to tell me that "HELLo??"
You don't know what's happening here? I was just curious why they are gatherer there and i also want to be part of that group. I do have friends of my own but as a loner in my childhood days, I always wanted to get the attention of others. There are  times that by seeking attention from people, I tend to be scolded by my teachers. There are also times that my classmates will ignore me. These things happen every single day when  I was in grade school  One day a teacher approached and talked to me about my problem. I told her my intentions why i'm doing things to get their attention. She told me that all i have to do is be myself and try to know more about myself. Things that I know that can make others and myself proud. With this motivation, I ask one of my classmates why they are always gathering in a corner of a classroom and he told me that its because they are having a hard time understanding math problems. Specifically, word problems. That gave me an idea to get the attention of the people in school. I ask my parents about math, why math is hard for most people, and etc. The response i got from my parents are the positive outlook in mathematics, i did not hear them say words or phrases that mathematics is hard or difficult. Those words from my parents boost my interest and start to
like math. I always ask my parents about the different techniques I can use in learning math. There are also times that they will give me situation and problems that I should solve on my own. Those things helped me  appreciate math more. Back in school, when we had our math exam, I was surprised with the result because i got the 2nd to the highest score. They next week, exam again and i am part of the people who got the perfect score, and this happen consistently until the school year end. I felt like im going to love math more because my classmates and teachers starts to praise me with my skills in math. Mathematics is not only a subject for me, but a partner that help me build my self esteem and character.